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5 Health Benefits of Erotic Massage

If you’ve never experienced erotic massage, you’re missing out on a highly relaxing experience, as well as various health benefits it could bring.

Sexual therapy has been practiced for hundreds of years and over time, many forms of it have emerged. You may have heard about tantric massage or the popular thai massage. Everybody has sexual energy in them and the point of these massages is inducing harmony in the body, relaxing the muscles or increasing libido.

According to Eastern cultures, these massages also have a spiritual meaning. It’s believed that they do not only bring us physiological benefits, but also teach us to eliminate prejudices towards our naked bodies. Therefore, they are the perfect tool to induce intiminity – whether with yourself or your partner.

However, erotic massages can bring us many health benefits as well – just like sports or aromatherapy.

What are the key ones?

1. They strengthen the immune system

It has been confirmed many times that regular massages stimulate white blood cells production, which are a key weapon of our bodies when fighting illnesses.

However, if we include erotic elements in the massage as well, the benefit of strengthening our immunity is increased. Regular sex has beneficial effects on our physical as well as emotional state.

Therefore, erotic massages will also help you relieve stress that plays a major part in disease development.

2. They relieve pain

If you’re experiencing pain in your muscles or, for example, joints, erotic massage might work as an excellent painkiller.

Intimate connection with a beautiful woman will cause your body to produce endorphins, which are hormones known for their effect on relieving pain.

Therefore, these massages can lessen an achy back, legs or even head.

3. They decrease the risk of prostate cancer

Lately, researchers have been focusing on the connection between orgasm and prostate cancer. The results sound very promising, because it’s been confirmed that regular orgasm decreases the risk of this disease.

If you go for erotic massage with happy ending, you won’t go wrong for sure.

4. Uvolňují napětí a stres

Relieving stress is one of the most common reasons why people get massages.

With a bit of skill, it’s possible to eliminate muscle adhesions which, among other things, helps the body to get rid of the stress hormone cortisol.

However, erotic massage helps to alleviate emotional stress as well. When having an orgasm, the human body produces oxytocin, which is known as a love hormone. Therefore, you will get maximum pleasure which then sets a much more positive vibe.

5. They improve sleep quality

If you have sleep problems, erotic massage might be just what you need.

Apart from the mentioned hormones, when experiencing erotic massage, one more hormone is being released – serotonin. This one is related to our mood, appetite, as well as sleep.

You will feel a strong bodily and mental relaxation and when you come home, you will sleep like a log.

In our salon, you will meet trained professionals that will ensure your maximum safety enabling you to relax completely and therefore improve your health as well.