We welcome new masseuses to our salon. More information on the phone number +420 603 373 881.

Opening hours 9:00 - 23:00

How can erotic massage help you with your psychical page?

You will laying on mattress, listening to relaxing music and you will get care from our nice girl. Your body will relaxes, the stiffness of the muscles goes away and your mind finds pleasure. This you will feeling, when you will come on erotic massage into the our salon.

How is such a massage different from a classic massage? Difference is in, in while the whole erotic massage will the masseuse care about of your intimate part. Only in this way can the body relax at the highest level. You will experience orgasmic feelings and it is possible, that you can reach a climax of orgasm. This everything is from erotic massage

Erotic massage from a professional masseuse is a boost for body and mind. It will help you get rid of everyday responsibilities, forget about worries and enjoy an undisturbed current moment.

You can feel maybe come stiff and stressed, but we will guarantee that you will leave relaxed and ready to pounce on whatever awaits to on you. Our erotic massage pours new blood into your veins. You deserve to be pampered.

What beneficial effects on the body and mind will bring erotic massage:

  • Relaxation from feelings of tension and stress
  • Deep relaxation and a long-term feeling of inner well-being
  • Regeneration of relaxed muscles
  • Acceleration of vascular and lymphatic circulation
  • Skin blood circulation
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Improving libido
  • Strengthening self-confidence

You deserve to be pampered.